Making Kids Money Masters


5 Things to Learn from Warren Buffet

February 28, 2022
Image from: Asa Mathat/Fortune MPW

Article By: Kelly Kirk-Xu & Emily Stevens

Warren Buffett knows a thing or two about money. I mean, he is only one of the richest men in the world. He is also not stingy about sharing his wisdom. As a matter of fact, the billionaire has even produced an animated series for entrepreneurial kids that can be found on Youtube called Secret Millionaires Club! Warren Buffet has shared a wealth of valuable information with the world. For this article, Walter the Vault went on a search for some of his greatest lessons to share with your kids (and learn for yourself)! 

Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffet has been quoted saying that you are your best investment. Whether it is your time, effort, or money- investing in yourself first will prove to bring you happiness in the long run. 

Live with Integrity

Buffet has shared the importance of building and maintaining a good reputation. It doesn’t take much to destroy a well-built reputation, though. He believes that remaining mindful of this is crucial to upholding your morals.

Stay Out of Trouble

Buffett has spoken about how avoiding trouble altogether is easier than getting yourself out of trouble. This little token of wisdom could apply to every single piece of you and your kid’s life, whether that be in relationships, school, finances, or something else. Avoiding trouble in the first place will save you a lot of time, effort, and stress.

Avoid Falling into Debt

Debt is a thing that can certainly be difficult to get out of. Warren Buffett is believed to be an advocate for avoiding debt where possible, and I’d like to think that is some pretty sound advice. Teaching our little ones about the importance of avoiding debt from a young age will be so beneficial to them as they grow up.

Success is More Than the Numbers in Your Bank Account

In our pursuit of money, many of us can forget the other things in life that are important- love, connection, and happiness. Don’t lose your own version of success in the pursuit of other’s.

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